Monday, April 30, 2012

Bali Mango Nails

I was inspired to paint this nail art design by my favorite lotion. Bath and Body Work's Bali Mango smells like, wait for it... mangoes, and is my exact idea of what a carefree summer smells like. These flowers are a little abstract and only painted in a black outline. I chose to make a gradient of color over the whole nail so the design would be colorful even from far away.

  1. Normal base coat and one coat of white polish. I find white nail polished hard to deal with, but even though it wasn't perfect I knew i was going to cover it up in the next step. 
  2. To get ready to make a gradient, I taped the sides of my nails with scotch tape. This way I could work quickly enough to mix the nail polishes, and not worry about being too messy.
  3. Using a kitchen sponge cut up into cubes, I dabbed patches of pink nail polish around the base of my nail. The gradient effect is created by using a small amount of two neighboring colors on their borders and blending them together until it looks like a smooth transition.
  4. I painted large flowers with a just black outline and added some dots for decoration.  
  5. Two coats of top coat to protect the acrylic paints and give a lively shine. 
The over sized flowers and bright colors of this design really remind me of summertime fruity smells. The gradient took extra time, but it was worth the effort to have soft, seamless transitions.

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